Enerdrive Guidelines – Lithium Lifepo4 – Caravan

Enerdrive Guidelines

Enerdrive is leading the way with how to service their customers better and helping us as installers to know their guidelines as per the new Australian standards coming into effect in November 2023.
These guidelines are also for those who are installing Lithium Lifepo4 into existing lithium battery compatible systems, going from AGM (Absorbent Glass Matt), Lead Acid batteries to Enerdrive Lithiums.
Being mindful the guide is for Enerdrive | Dometic.
Those who are DIY’ing a battery system into your caravan please be mindful that you as an installer should be following these guidelines. To assist, we have the Enerdrive | Dometic guide below for you to view.

Might we add a Thank You to Enerdrive in assisting us as installers & those who DIY with us in clarifying some of the confusion around the new regulations for the use of there batteries.

This guide is specific to our e-LITE and B-TEC range of batteries and has been designed to cover all portions of the battery installation requirements within the new standard. Please note this guide is specific to Enerdrive batteries and does not apply to any other manufacturer.


Batteries | Lithium | AGM

Neuton Power 100ah Lithium Mini
